Delivery sector and the paper bag

One of the areas that has undergone a remarkable transformation is the delivery sector, especially in the use of materials for packaging and transporting products.

In this context, the paper bag has emerged as a sustainable alternative to traditional plastic bags, marking the beginning of a real revolution in the sector. This is not surprising, as paper bags have multiple benefits from both an environmental and functional perspective, with features such as biodegradability, recyclability and the image of social responsibility.

Food delivery companies and retailers in general have led the way in the adoption of paper bags, successfully integrating them into their operations.

Relevant delivery platforms have also encouraged restaurant partners to opt for sustainable packaging, including paper bags, through certification programmes and commercial benefits.

Paper bags have multiple benefits from both an environmental and functional perspective.

The future of paper bags in delivery looks promising. The trend towards sustainability shows no signs of slowing down, and environmental regulations are expected to become increasingly stringent, favouring the use of biodegradable and recyclable materials.

Innovation will continue to play a crucial role, with the development of new, stronger and more functional paper grades, as well as improvements in recycling and sustainable production processes.

While the road has not been without its challenges, the transition to a greener model is underway and represents a significant change in the way we consume and transport products.

Adopting and encouraging the use of paper bags is a crucial step towards a more sustainable and responsible future.

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New bag models with window, die-cut and mesh.

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